
Installing from package

Lograptor is packaged with Python’s wheel format on PyPI (RPM/DEB packages formats are not maintained anymore) so you can install it using pip. If your have root access you can do a system wide installation:

sudo pip install lograptor

In this case the sources are installed under Python’s packages directory (eg. /usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/) and the data files (man, docs and configuration files) are installed under standard POSIX paths (/usr/share and /etc).

For an installation at user level run:

pip install --user lograptor

In this case the files are written into ~/.local/ directory.

You can also install the package into a virtual environment (using virtualenv or pyvenv). In this case the configuration file have to be referenced explicitly, using –conf option, or the configuration files have to be copied to one of the program’s default locations, that are in order:

<package source location>/config/lograptor.conf

Installing from source

For installing from the source you also need Python’s setuptools, that is generically available on almost all Linux distributions or however is packaged on PyPI.

With setuptools installed clone the git repository, choosing one of those commands:

git clone
git clone git://

or download the zip archive from the site and extract the content to a folder. Then go into the lograptor’s source base directory and type:

python install

To install also the configuration and documentation files run:

python install_data